Cosmology View

My views on Cosmology and Physics

Site Navigation

The number of site menu selections, at 7, is a practical count for a list of links. but a horizontal navigation bar can becomes too wide.
Instead, the menu selections are  links using text.

Home is the home page, enabling a site navigation from the initial page.
Books has the list of the author's books.

Posts has an archive of recent posts.
Comments has an archive of relevant comments by the author to posts or YouTube videos by others.

Research has an archive of my research material, usually saved in pdf for convenience.

Contact offers a way for the reader to interact with the author by email.

About has information about the site and its author.


The vertical menu bar constricts the adjacent text within the screen size  for a cell phone. Select Home for the initial page of cosmologyview. com site.

Select Books for information about my books; some are in paperback or Kindle format, while others are a free pdf.
Select Posts for the archive of my posts.

Select Comments for the archive of some of my comments to posts by others.

Select Research for the archive of some of my compilations of my research results, usually in pdf format.

Select Contact for information about contacting me.

Select About for information about the site and its author.

page created July, 2021
las change 08/01/2021