Cosmology Views

Main 10th in progress

I have an 10th main topic in development but there is just not enough data found online to provide a complete conjecture, yet.

9) link-pdf Sphere of Stars Conjecture
(01/10/2020 - updated 04/14/2020)

Item (10) is a conjecture on the behaviors of a sphere of stars which includes a globular cluster and an elliptical galaxy. These spheres of their different sizes are not fully explained in cosmology. The lack of observational data for these distant objects results in a conjecture awaiting more data.

As more data are revealed this conjecture will be updated.
. . .

Item (10) applies to both cosmologies PC and EU because neither has a detailed description for the spheres of stars..


Cosmology Views

Comments with a Cosmology View

Comments can be submitted to posts in Facebook or to videos in YouTube.

Most of these are to Facebook; those to YouTube will be identified.

click here to go to end, or most recent.

comments to Electric Universe Theory group:

04/08/2020 - Gamma Ray Bursts

04/16/2020 - Star Dancing Around Black Hole

04/16/2020 - Is Matter a Stage of Light?

04/20/2020 - Universe Inflation Bubble

04/22/2020 - String Theory dimensions

04/23/2020 - Worm Hole Shadow

04/25/2020 - What are Electrons Made of?

04/29/2020 - Magnon

05/04/2020 - NGC 4100 Missing Spectrum

05/12/2020 -  Exchanges after my post about the Fabric of Space

05/26/2020 - Light  and Classical Physics

06/02/2020 - Hot MW Corona

06/25/2020 - God in EU

06/30/2020 - Red Shift Photons

06/30/2020 - Extinction Shift

07/21/2020 - Galactic birkeland currents

08/08/08/2020 - Fast Radio Bursts

Comments to LIGO Scientific Collaboration group:

11/19/2019 - Statistics submitted to LIGO

03/21/2020 - LIGO GW 2019 calendar

04/23/2020 - Higher Harmonics

05/05/2020 - posted with the comment to LIGO's video

Comments to Sabine Hossenfelder on YouTube:

03/25/2020 - Dark Energy Evidence

03/27/2020 - Dark Matter Mystery

05/02/2021 - Dark Matter: The Situation has Changed

Comments to YouTube:

04/23/2020 - GW 190412: Binary Black Hole Merger

04/28/2020 - Mysteries of Modern Physics

05/02/2020 - Debunking of Debunking the Electric Universe

05/31/2020 - NDGT Misinformation Age

06/25/2020 - Testing new theories of gravity

08/26/2020 - Magnetic Universe

Comments to Cosmology & Astrophysics group (young,  ill-informed membership):

04/20/2020 - Universe Inflation Bubble

04/20/2020 - What is a Black Hole?

Comments to See The Pattern on YouTube:

07/25/2020 - ORC

Comments to the site etherealmatters, of the Structured Atomic Model:

11/04/2020 - Mass Defect

Comments to See The Paradigm Shift group:

12/17/2020 - Galilean Transformations

An archive of comments prior to April 2020 is here.